• Check for tripped breakers
  • Make sure filter is clean and free of clogs
  • Check batteries in thermostat
  • Check that switch at furnace is in “on” position
  • Check that thermostat is set properly and is in heat or cool mode as required
  • Notate any error codes that may be displayed on the furnace, if possible.

We recommend changing ANY 1” thick filter every 30 days. While there are many filters on the market that claim 60 or 90 day life, a 1” filter of any making with dust, dander, and everyday debris can clog up and limit the efficiency of your HVAC system. Thicker, high efficiency, high MERV rated filters are designed to be changed every 6-12 months, but periodically checking them is always a good idea. Regardless of size, a dirty filter will keep your equipment from performing properly and efficiently.

Maintenance should be scheduled early each season, early spring and early fall. If there are problems with your system, it’s better to find out before the extreme heat or bitter cold sets in. Our Discount Plan will provide you with both tune-ups for one price, call today to start or renew your Discount Plan!

Listen for odd sounds when your heating or cooling system kicks in. If you hear anything unusual, get in touch with your service professional so you can head off problems before they become serious.

Window treatments and eliminating drafts will help, obviously, but routine maintenance will also help, by keeping your equipment running as efficiently as possible. Ladd Service Company’s Discount Plan gives you twice a year maintenance and additional discounts on repairs needed throughout the year, even plumbing repairs! More importantly, a maintained system dramatically lengthens the life of your equipment, saving you thousands of dollars by not having to prematurely replace your system.

There are several factors to consider when costly repairs are needed, not the least of which should be the age of your current equipment. When deciding whether to make that recommended repair, you have to ask yourself if you are likely to see a return on your repair investment dollars. If the unit is creeping up in age, you might not see a long-term benefit to making a repair that costs several hundreds of dollars.  If considering replacement, it is good to know that today’s higher efficiency equipment can reduce energy bills up to 60%. We offer FREE, no obligation, in-home estimates and would be pleased to discuss options with you. 

The Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to a setting that keeps you comfortable while home. In periods where you are away from home or are sleeping it is recommended that you “set back” your thermostat 5-7 degrees different than what you would while you are home. This can be accomplished by manually resetting your stat each time, or by utilizing a programmable stat that can store and repeat settings for you based on a chosen program. Contact us for more details.

Humidity, or lack thereof, and airborne particulate can make life unbearable for family members who suffer from asthma and allergies. Pollutants such as dust, pet dander, and mold contribute to poor air quality. Visit with one of our Comfort Consultants today to find ways to make your home air quality the best it can be.

Heat rises, so naturally, your upper floors are going to be warmer than the lower ones. Because warm air has a tendency to dry out furniture, floors, and noses, we frequently search for remedies to that issue. This can be achieved by installing a whole-home humidifier. A zoned system may also help with uneven temperatures. Call for an appointment with our comfort consultant to see what would best fit your needs!

At its most basic level, an air cleaner filters out the particles that cause irritation, such as pollen, spores, dust, and other contaminates. In order for any air cleaner to work correctly, the particles need to pass through it. Hence, if the particles are not in the air stream (for example, they’re dust on furniture), an air cleaner won’t remove them. 

Heating and air conditioning equipment comes in many capacities, configurations, and efficiencies. It’s important that your contractor selects the equipment that will be compatible with your home’s heating and cooling needs. An undersized system can reduce the comfort of your home, use more energy, and not last as long as a properly sized system. An oversized system will cost more than you need to spend and may contribute to moisture-related problems down the line.

Yes! The NATE certification is rigorous and voluntary. There are other third-party certification programs out there, but they have suspiciously high "pass" rates. NATE has the lowest pass rate and is the only nationwide certification program endorsed by the HVACR industry across all levels. Technicians, contractors, manufacturers, utilities, educators, wholesalers, and leading industry trade associations support NATE, and industry organizations such as ACCA have helped develop the tests to ensure they maintain high professional standards.

  • Serving since 1986
  • 24/7 emergency service
  • 2-year warranty on repairs
  • Upfront pricing
  • Licensed, insured & certified
  • Friendly, NATE-certified technicians
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